Phil Starke
Constructing a Painting, From Outdoor Sketch to Studio Painting - September 15th, 16th, and 17th 8:30AM-5:00PM
Inquiries: contact
This workshop will focus on developing a painting from start to finish. How to compose, see values and mix color in simple terms. The more we simplify the process, the better the painting. We will begin with outdoor color sketches for 2 days, developing ideas for paintings and learning how to suggest the light and atmosphere without copying the landscape.
Then in the studio we will learn the process of creating a larger painting from an outdoor sketch and photo, focusing on recomposing, finding big masses and shapes and developing a color scheme that suggests the mood.
Materials list for the Plein Air Painting class:
OILS- Cadmium yellow light
Yellow ochre
Cadmium orange
Cadmium red medium (or naphthol red)
Burnt sienna
Alizarin crimson
Dioxazine purple
Ultramarine blue
Pthalo blue or cerulean blue
BRUSHES- White oil bristle brushes and/or synthetic brushes
Filberts or flats- # 2,4,6,8
Small, round sable or sabline- #6 or 8
Palette- 12x16, paper or wooden
Medium and small, long painting knife
Paper towels
Paint thinner
CANVAS BOARD- 8x10, 9x12, 6x8. A mixture of these sizes, 5 or
6 panels at least.
A 12x16 or 16 x 20 for the last day in the studio.
Small Sketch Book, Drawing Pencils, 4b or 6b